Balance of beautiful shades
Give us the time and we will make it worth your while; give us the speed and we will show you how to savor the wind; provide us the color and we will paint your horizon even if for only just one day; but if you should give us a space, a home, a couple of walls and floors, we will not leave you untouched!
A house 3.4 = short time and a lot of positive and graceful energy. A client with a unique gift of making the difficult very easy and this is the final result: happy faces in happy spaces. The harmony between in and out, the beautiful balance of pleasant shapes reflecting beautiful shades.
Do you ever wonder? Do you stop and wonder why the clock strikes 3 at 3…one…two…three. Imagine the number and give it its concept…why? Why is blue for the sky or the ocean; why are orange and yellow shades for the sun, glacier white for an incredible moon or green for trees…? We might know the science of it all, but why, how, what, where and when?
When we give ourselves the privilege of stopping for a beat and asking the question behind the question and breath in the feeling, we have the incredible honor to see beyond…this beyond is what we apply in every project, this beyond is what allows us to reach out for a quality that whispers our guidance.
Every client is unique, every project is special and every time we gather to decide it, it is a feast and we always hope to touch the lives of those we set homes for as much as they touch us by allowing us in. Allowing us not only into their homes, but their visions, their wishes and their privacy. Aren’t we the lucky ones?
This home in the heart of an island, a spot where you have to have the peace of mind to live and savor nature, was designed accordingly: peaceful textures, natural tones, honest furniture with no pretentions of being what they are not. Oak, cotton and rattan…can you be any more relaxed in your nature and accepting of your individuality?
A very relaxed outdoor lounge area with a low sofa, the perfect key to unwind the mind by sitting even closer to the ground (talk about Feng Shui!) and a monastic pool, one that is sufficient, discreet and so welcoming!
But you are wondering about the indoors…right? We all know that this island is at its best lived by people who simply do not make this distinction between IN and OUT and everything flows evenly and balanced and this is exactly why we sprinkled the interiors with nature: fabric lampshades, cushions and wallpaper reminiscent of tropics, leaves and pure bliss.
Our partners in crime? Hay, HK Living, Normann Copenhagen, Bolia, Designers Guild…don’t you just love the team of heros we have put together? A MARVEL wonder team with an unfathomable freshness you can only hope to grasp…live it, let it in…allow us in!
Monica Cernich