Welcome to our new bconnected headquarters in Bendinat Beach!
Architecture Art Bconnectedmallorca Exclusive Interior Design Investment Real Estate Secret MarketingWe are very proud to announce that we opened the doors of our new
Bendinat Beach (seaside front)
Plaça Espanya 3, 07181 Bendinat
Imagine the best match for a group like bconnected and you will be swept off your feet, we promise!
BCONNECTED, as an established leader in Mallorca Real Estate, Project Development and Interior Design moved out of the city with their headquarters to move into the
breath-taking seaside front of the Bendinat beach.
We are there at your service – unified with all our departments – our best real estate agents, the project development team, and our famous interior designers.
Due to the current situation, we respect that we cannot party, but do come by to celebrate and enjoy with us this very special bconnected happening that takes us to a whole new era.
Come in for a drink, enjoying the amazing view, get inspired, or let us serve you with any
kind of consultancy.
Our Bconnected City office in Calle Cotoner 58, 07013 Palma, St. Catalina with the Real estate Agency and an additional Interior Pop-Up shop stays at your service
Bconnected was born out of love for a place and a passion for design.